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Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:15 pm
by griffin
That is the title of the following in the 'LETTERS' section of the Sept/Oct Open Road:

"Could caravan drivers stay off roads with 100km/h speed limits until after 9am so workers can get to work on time and then get off the roads by 4pm to allow workers to get home? Or, preferably, let's get the caravanners off the road by 3m when schools come out.
I suspect significant speeding and accidents are caused by frustrated drivers trying to maintain the speed limit when they encounter caravanners who are going nowhere and have all day to get there."

Well, the bloody cheek! :evil: I won't put their name on here but it sounds like someone who leaves their travel to work or school to the last minute without allowing any leeway and I'll be interested to see the response from the many grey nomads who are in the NRMA and travelling around the country.

As a kid living at Camden on the Hume Highway south of Sydney there was a ban on semi trailers travelling into the city from about 3pm on a Sunday :o I don't think that worked either.
And those who liked a drink on Sunday had to drive all the way out to Narellen to become a bonafide traveller to get a few drinks into them and then head home three sheets in the wind. At least there were no trucks to hit, maybe that was the reason for the ban ;)

And, as vintage vanners either when towing or otherwise I'm sure we have all run across the clowns in the 100 zone that just beetle along at 80, until they get to the overtaking lane when they suddenly find the car will do 110 :!:

Let's hope this clown doesn't get any support, just the bollocking they deserve :twisted:



Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:45 pm
by DC3TD
Gday George. Maybe the OR should ban his subscription & the NRMA his roadside assist. Heaven forbid he comes across me pedaling to work.He`ll really be tsk off. :lol:


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:00 pm
by griffin
I could see you being punted into the bushes very quickly DC3TD. Your saving grace is I don't think the complainant is in the Sydney area, where do you find a 100k zone in the Sydney Metro to get to work? The freeways and motorways are multi lane so hopefully they are not that intolerant of caravans.



Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:41 pm
by DC3TD
Hello George. Only saying ..."heaven forbid etc..." I pedal along the gutter width of the Hume, onto the M5 then onto Moorebank Ave. Daily return distance of 10k. gordon