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Teardrop Caravan Plans.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:41 pm
by Richard
I have found this great website that has a lot of plans for teardrop caravans as well as some small caravans . It is well worth a look and has a section where you can follow the progress of peoples tear drop constructions.

Tear Drop Caravan Plans

Also another link to some great Teardrop and small Caravan designs and Plans.

Teardrop Caravan Plans 2

Re: Teardrop Caravan Plans.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:12 pm
by Richard
1930's Plans to build a Caravanette.








An automotive engineer should be consulted for all construction Requirements.

Re: Teardrop Caravan Plans.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:27 pm
by griffin
A friend has just picked up a nice little treasure for me, "CARAVANS AND BOATS - A Home Beautiful Handbook for Amateurs."

Unfortunately the cover is missing and nothing in the remainder is dated, but I think it is post WWII.

The above article by M.C. Tindall is included, and covers five pages with some additional text, nothing to change the information but one item in particular in regard to the cost remarks that it cost no more than 30 pound, which is now qualified with the remark, "pre-war, remember!
Several photos from the above version were omitted, however, it is still headed up by the caravanette towed by a 1938 DX 14hp Vauxhall. For some reason though it has been changed to an artists illustration instead of the photo, and the car has become dark in colour, with only a slight change to the number plate too. I've added the illustration to the final page.

There is an additional page and a bit relating to improving the original design, and you will notice that Mr Tindall must have gone to the 'big caravan in the sky' since writing the amendment.
6-Home Beautiful C & T-c.jpg
7-Home Beautiful C & T-c.jpg
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